its fair to say we’re full of a lot of things around here and ideas are no exception. trouble is, sometimes the ideas just pile up, hung in messy development obstacles like ‘feasibility’ or ‘affordability. or ‘legality’. sometimes, you just need to take an idea you like and believe in and glue on some wings and let it fly. labor day seems like the perfect day for one such scheme to jump off the drawing board. today we’re kicking off our “10 and thank you” project.
As we are certain we could never afford to pay our people anywhere near what they’re worth, we do understand a slightly better wage can go a long way for making life’s more mundane necessities less stressful. thus our new homegrown minimum wage is henceforth 10 dollars an hour. as we are acutely aware, it is difficult to make ends meet in small business but we consider the personal security of our people a shrewd investment. we will be working with other interested local businesses to start a campaign to voluntarily raise wages for all of our valuable people in a way that is sustainable and ensures the long term growth and success of our local economy. we appreciate everyone’s support in shopping with us that makes this decision a less daft possibility. happy labor day!