My name is

Homegrown Food

About Us

Homegrown Food was created in 2010 by Amanda Millsap Owen. A labor of love, Homegrown Food provides locally grown and produced foods to customers and a venue for selling for local farms and family businesses.

Amanda is committed to being a force for good in the community. Homegrown Food strives to make positive change in our neighborhood, our city, and throughout the Ozarks.

Community Involvement:

1. Farmers Market of the Ozarks
Amanda serves on the board of the new FMO, helping connect farms with direct sales to Springfield area residents.

2. Local Sprouts Kitchen
Perhaps the grandest of our community projects the Local Sprouts kitchen is a partnership with the YMCA of the Ozarks. Homegrown Food houses and operates a commercial food processing kitchen in which we turn local produce into safe, healthy, and affordable snacks for the thousands of children in the YMCA's afterschool programs located in schools throughout our community.
The kitchen will open early in summer 2012.

3. Springfield Urban Agriculture Coalitions / Dirt Project
Homegrown Food supports SUAC. Come by the store to purchase a "Dirt Project" t shirt or package of seeds for your garden and the proceeds will benefit SUAC's schoolyard garden, farmer education, or other community programs.

4. Ozarks Food Harvest
Homegrown Food serves as a drop off site for Ozarks Food Harvest. Bring your excess garden veggies or just purchase a few extra things while in the store and OFH will get those invaluable fresh foods onto the tables of local families in need of a bit of help.

5. Rountree Neighborhood
Homegrown Food is committed to being a part of our neighborhood. As a true neighborhood grocer we support the Rountree elementary school and we do little things to, like keeping the gardens at the entrance to the neighborhood watered.

Open Monday - Saturday 
10:00 am to 7:00pm

Homegrown Food
607 S. Pickwick
Springfield, MO 65802

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