happy christmas days

as promised yesterday, we have an exceedingly elaborate plan for december merriment and mirth that we’ll be unveiling today. we had intended to roll it out with some sort of all-singing-all-dancing, special-effects-laden, big-budget multi-platform marketing extravaganza, but then we decided that wasn’t fair to Walmart and Target and other little retailers to force them to compete with that sort of thing.

so, in the spirit of fair play, we cast about for an alternate idea and decided to work with what we have - namely, old laundry, googly eyes, and seasonal vegetables - to create a series of charmingly unrehearsed low- (no-)budget videos.

as the attached video mentions, each day in december, as part of “happy christmas days”, we’ll be issuing a festive challenge. complete the challenge on that day, come into the store, and receive a reward. easy challenges will have smallish rewards, more complicated challenges will have more complicated rewards. tomorrow, we begin!

o christmas trees

we’re excited to report that we’ll have a lovely load of tannenbaums - local, fresh cut Christmas trees from Cabool - arriving this week. (we expect them on Tuesday, but we’ll let you know if that changes.) if you’d like to reserve yourself one of these trees for yourself, fill out the reservation form and we’ll be sure to hook you up. $35 each.

Fields marked with a * are required

It’s Turkey Lurkey Time!

Regardless if you’re going to roast, smoke, or deep-fry it, chances are you’re going to need a turkey come November 27th. Once again we’ll have fresh from the farm, never frozen, locally raised turkeys available to reserve. These birds come from Andrews Family Farm, and have been raised outdoors, eating bugs, grass, and non-GMO feed. They’ll be available for pickup at the store Tuesday, November 25th, and will cost $4.25/lb. There will be a variety of sizes, and they will be allocated first-come, first-served.

You can reserve your turkey today by coming into the store, calling, or just filling out the form below.

Fields marked with a * are required

Also, KatieMade will have loads of other tasty things available for Thanksgiving, and is taking reservations now.



badger, badger, mushroom!

KatieMade is debuting her delicious new Mushroom and Miso bread today. Fantastic crusty loaf with a mild savory flavor. Just an added bonus that it happens to look just like a badger.


ludwig off sabbatical

welcoming back from hiatus-sabbatical (thats an exotic lexembourish phrase for where cool cheese goes to get cheesier), we are proud to introduce the re-introduced Ludwig Farmstead Creamery cheese of legend and destiny. if you’ve had it you know, and if you haven’t you should. come by, all the best flavors, including the goudaest. conveniently packaged in sizes you can eat entirely by yourself without automatically getting sick.


as is well documented, we here at homegrown eschew the casual platitude with a sort of disturbingly audible and dread filled recoil. so it is with a “blargahg” that we wish to point out that whether you care to think about it or not, the world we live together in is actually just a product of this whole humanity thing and our countless tiny individual decisions, passions, fears, hopes, collective past, and all the rest jostling about all over the place. there’s plenty of reasons that some peoples and things in this same world would prefer you forget that and its certainly been made easier to feel otherwise but here’s the thing: good, bad, or indifferent, everything only gets the way it is because somebody or everybody or nobody did something. so six to eight billion thanks to everyone that helps us everyday do the something that we hope helps everyone, everyday.

profound, eh? “blechaghgrr”

also, and of course, a deluxe thank you in this same sense to everyone that has helped us in so many ways with encouraging the birth of a little park

we’re kinda famous


Our manager Mary went on KOLR10 to talk to Tom Trtan and our friend Beth Domann about all of the delicious and amazing thing we have in season right now! She did a great job — check it out!



produce public service announcement

PPSA (Produce Public Service Announcement): If you ever come across a fruit or vegetable in our establishment with a face on it, please know that it is 100% available for purchase. Don’t be fooled by their decorative visages, they are just as edible and delicious as their unadorned brethren.


wish granted

validation comes in many forms, and while many are more gratifying, few are more useful than the monetary one. which is to say that we’re chuffed all to bits to announce that our little park has received another grant to help it become a reality in a fiscally-responsible way. in addition to our original grant (the Springfield-Greene County Urban Watershed Stewardship Project, Big Urbie 319 Grant through the Department of Natural Resources, for those of you keeping score at home), we’ve now secured an additional grant through the Department of Conservation of the great and local state of Missouri. we’re touched. really.

so, what does that mean? well, it means that the hardscaping part of the project (excavation and permeable paver surface) is fully funded. go team! however, we’ve still got a long way to go, with a pergola, park furnishings, landscaping, permit fees, and more to cover. so, take satisfaction in the knowledge we are moving in the right direction, but please consider making a donation to help us get the fun parts of the park funded and out of the realm of fever-dreams and wild imaginings. please.