we’re excited to report that we’ll have a lovely load of tannenbaums - local, fresh cut Christmas trees from Cabool - arriving this week. (we expect them on Tuesday, but we’ll let you know if that changes.) if you’d like to reserve yourself one of these trees for yourself, fill out the reservation form and we’ll be sure to hook you up. $35 each.
Category Archives: what’s in season
fresh chicken tomorrow
Getting a little nervous for the big turkey roasting? Want to try your hand at something a little more manageable first? Need to stock up your meat freezer? Happen to have a deep and abiding love of all poultry? Well, if any of these apply to you, you’ll be happy to learn that we’re getting FRESH CHICKENS in tomorrow. Perfect stewing, frying, and roasting sized birds that are so fresh, they’ve never even heard of a freezer, let alone been inside one. They tend to sell quick, so get them while you can!
Today’s produce delivery is brought to you in glorious Technicolor by Fassnight Creek Farms.
It’s Turkey Lurkey Time!
Regardless if you’re going to roast, smoke, or deep-fry it, chances are you’re going to need a turkey come November 27th. Once again we’ll have fresh from the farm, never frozen, locally raised turkeys available to reserve. These birds come from Andrews Family Farm, and have been raised outdoors, eating bugs, grass, and non-GMO feed. They’ll be available for pickup at the store Tuesday, November 25th, and will cost $4.25/lb. There will be a variety of sizes, and they will be allocated first-come, first-served.
You can reserve your turkey today by coming into the store, calling, or just filling out the form below.
Also, KatieMade will have loads of other tasty things available for Thanksgiving, and is taking reservations now.
Why hello there, handsomes. It’s so nice to have you back.
ludwig off sabbatical
welcoming back from hiatus-sabbatical (thats an exotic lexembourish phrase for where cool cheese goes to get cheesier), we are proud to introduce the re-introduced Ludwig Farmstead Creamery cheese of legend and destiny. if you’ve had it you know, and if you haven’t you should. come by, all the best flavors, including the goudaest. conveniently packaged in sizes you can eat entirely by yourself without automatically getting sick.
we’re kinda famous
Our manager Mary went on KOLR10 to talk to Tom Trtan and our friend Beth Domann about all of the delicious and amazing thing we have in season right now! She did a great job — check it out!
pumpkin wonderland
evidently the ground outside the store is even more enchanted than we thought. its barely october and we woke up to a magical pumpkin patch. even squash is getting excited about our park.
and speaking of excited, we’re gonna take this opportunity to try and embarrass some of our dear friends at Kaleidoscope who donated a remarkably generous sum for our nascent park. Kaleidoscope, that was TOO much, but thank you and thanks to everyone for their ongoing support. and keep an eye on our website because we’ll be releasing more of our parkitect series each night this week. later, taters.
apple season
We’ve been waiting all year for this, and they’ve finally arrived: beautiful, delicious local apples from A & A Orchards and Sunshine Valley Farm! So many tasty varieties that you can only get when you buy real, local apples.
Right now, we have Honeycrisps, Lura Reds, Jonamacs, William’s Pride, Jonathans, and a few others, with more to be arriving soon!