It’s Turkey Lurkey Time!

Regardless if you’re going to roast, smoke, or deep-fry it, chances are you’re going to need a turkey come November 27th. Once again we’ll have fresh from the farm, never frozen, locally raised turkeys available to reserve. These birds come from Andrews Family Farm, and have been raised outdoors, eating bugs, grass, and non-GMO feed. They’ll be available for pickup at the store Tuesday, November 25th, and will cost $4.25/lb. There will be a variety of sizes, and they will be allocated first-come, first-served.

You can reserve your turkey today by coming into the store, calling, or just filling out the form below.

Fields marked with a * are required

Also, KatieMade will have loads of other tasty things available for Thanksgiving, and is taking reservations now.



badger, badger, mushroom!

KatieMade is debuting her delicious new Mushroom and Miso bread today. Fantastic crusty loaf with a mild savory flavor. Just an added bonus that it happens to look just like a badger.