
We’ve waited so long to finally get started, a little bit of cold isn’t going to stop us!


as is well documented, we here at homegrown eschew the casual platitude with a sort of disturbingly audible and dread filled recoil. so it is with a “blargahg” that we wish to point out that whether you care to think about it or not, the world we live together in is actually just a product of this whole humanity thing and our countless tiny individual decisions, passions, fears, hopes, collective past, and all the rest jostling about all over the place. there’s plenty of reasons that some peoples and things in this same world would prefer you forget that and its certainly been made easier to feel otherwise but here’s the thing: good, bad, or indifferent, everything only gets the way it is because somebody or everybody or nobody did something. so six to eight billion thanks to everyone that helps us everyday do the something that we hope helps everyone, everyday.

profound, eh? “blechaghgrr”

also, and of course, a deluxe thank you in this same sense to everyone that has helped us in so many ways with encouraging the birth of a little park

pickwick park

pickwick park, again

whether you’re looking for a mitzvah or karmic balancing or to shake the terms of some ancient druidic curse or you just like little parks in quaint and charming neighborhoods, we’d love to point out its still possible to donate cash or platinum bullion to the impending* construction of Pickwick Park. we might not end up with enough to build the 200 foot crystal ferris wheel, but a little extra would go a long way toward some more reasonable yet equally joy-filled amenities selected through the most careful frivolity.

donate now


pumpkin wonderland

evidently the ground outside the store is even more enchanted than we thought. its barely october and we woke up to a magical pumpkin patch. even squash is getting excited about our park.

pickwick parkand speaking of excited, we’re gonna take this opportunity to try and embarrass some of our dear friends at Kaleidoscope who donated a remarkably generous sum for our nascent park. Kaleidoscope, that was TOO much, but thank you and thanks to everyone for their ongoing support. and keep an eye on our website because we’ll be releasing more of our parkitect series each night this week. later, taters.


wish granted

validation comes in many forms, and while many are more gratifying, few are more useful than the monetary one. which is to say that we’re chuffed all to bits to announce that our little park has received another grant to help it become a reality in a fiscally-responsible way. in addition to our original grant (the Springfield-Greene County Urban Watershed Stewardship Project, Big Urbie 319 Grant through the Department of Natural Resources, for those of you keeping score at home), we’ve now secured an additional grant through the Department of Conservation of the great and local state of Missouri. we’re touched. really.

so, what does that mean? well, it means that the hardscaping part of the project (excavation and permeable paver surface) is fully funded. go team! however, we’ve still got a long way to go, with a pergola, park furnishings, landscaping, permit fees, and more to cover. so, take satisfaction in the knowledge we are moving in the right direction, but please consider making a donation to help us get the fun parts of the park funded and out of the realm of fever-dreams and wild imaginings. please.