
small business saturday

today our “interested” friends at american express inform us that this is small business saturday. it could just be that logic class sophmore year talking (the one we possibly slept through), but does this mean that today is small business day and the other 364 are “large business day”? because we think its time to invert that a little bit. i know the big guys need your help too, but imagine for a moment just one year where it was the other way around? 364 days of small business and one “large business day”. all your money going to folks that reinvest it directly in your community, hiring your friends and neighbors and buying goods from your fellow entrepreneurs. paying taxes directly to your local government that maintain all the services our communities depend on and enjoy? think of some of your favorite small businesses and all the amazing things they are already doing then think about what could be possible with 364 small business days?

as always, we thank you each every day for all your support as we all work together to build the sort of place we can feel proud of calling our hometown, native or adopted.

also, we got a fryer today and will be playing with it the remainder of the day. if you’re bold enough for such a thing, join us for fryerioneering

Posted in soapbox musings, rants & rambles.

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